Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Scrapcamp Layout to Share...

Hi there, well Scrapcamp has been and gone over a week now and I promised that I would put a layout on my blog, so here is one that we had done! On the Friday night we all got a pack and the Challenge was that we had to use 75% of the products in this pack!! And by the end of the weekend we all had to put our layouts up for display. OMG there wasn't one layout the same. Very creative ladies out there!! Can't wait for the next camp!!!!! And this other little drawing is from Shae-Lee the other day. She is 4 and I think she is very talented. Everytime she draws herself it's exactly the same, like a cartoon LOL!! Well see you soon! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 27, 2006

Parent Helper!!!

Yay!! I just went to the Zoo!! Aimee had a school trip and she asked if I could possibly help! Normally I can't because you can't take sibblings but I finally got the opportuntiy. Anyway it definately brought back memories, the packed lunch, the pre-teens flirting with each other, very low key LOL!! They're only learning! The notes being passed around the bus. My group was really really good and yes we did have one comedium in our group and he was a bit of a crack up. All in all we had a good day and like I remember I was exhausted and realize I don't have the energy that I once did!! When we got home the kids went on and on about how hot they were!! Adrian came home and was watering the plants, next thing I heard screaming and laughter!! They had obviously twisted themselves around daddy's little finger again, because all 4 of them were spraying each other and having a blast!! Who said we needed a pool!! LOL!! Anyway better get moving and do some more office work!!! No rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

NZ Dare #12 - Ad Inspiration Challenge

First I wanted to say Thank you so much for commenting on my blog last Post. Wow I got 7 comments, so cool!!!

I visited NZ Dares and came up with this ispiration for my layout. When I looked at the layout it reminded me of a Ladybird alas my layout evolved. And Shae is the perfect one for the layout. She is absolutely fasinated in bugs. She sits there and just studies them. She is amazed. Anyway better go and organize dinner and then off to work for a few hours!!! I'm helping my daughter Aimee with her Zoo Trip for school tomorrow. Yay!! 8 - 12 year olds to keep an eye on!!! LOL!! Wish me luck.

Monday, November 20, 2006

SCRAPCAMP What an Awesome Weekend

Our Scrapcamp is over. What a fantastic weekend. We arrived in Style, thanks to Lisa's little pressie (what a cool car) LOL!! And the only hitch for the entire weekend was that I forgot to bring my towel, so I had to dry myself with 2 pathetic little flannels & Lisa no more giggling fits please.....LOL!!
We scrapped and we ate and we laughed, we just had a ball.... The green theme was a hoot! There is just so much talent out there and a bunch of Incredible lovely ladies.

And a HUGH THANK YOU to Lianne and Yolande for organizing and making this Awesome Event Happen. FANTASTIC!! Will try and post in the next day or two some layouts!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Decisions, Decisions

  Posted by Picasa Well Scrapcamp is just around the corner and I've been busy trying to decide which photos to take to scrap. My daughter and I were playing around with photos this afternoon. She decided to take Shae for a photo shot and I think she did a wonderful job!!! I was roped into taking photos of Aimee, when I was surpposed to be doing office work, and I'm glad she pushed me, I love the photos. We got all motivated after dinner and went for a walk for an hour. OMG it was good but know I'm shattered LOL!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

NZ Dares - I just had to try!!

Well this dare was special because as you have probably read it is a Worldwide Dare. The Dare was on Childhood Memories/Dreams. This dare was very challenging but an incredible lot of fun. I have had some of these old photos sitting around and I still can't believe that I was this small. This layout is very special to me because my dad passed away when I was 8 years old and I do miss him so very much. He was a real yachtsman. He did the Auckland to Suva Yacht race a couple of times. At Christmas time we would pack the boat up with all our stock and off we would go for up to 6 weeks. Fantastic memories, so "Daddy Thankyou for My Memories". Very special times which a very special man!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 06, 2006


Well got a newsletter about Scrapcamp today. All of a sudden its becoming very close and probably getting excited about it and also a little nervous. First time and all!! LOL!! Will probably get to meet many faces that belong to many blogs. And that will be nice. From the newsletter it looks like so much work and energy has gone into this camp, so a big pre thank you to Lianne, Yolande and all the others for creating a haven or peace for all the mums who are escaping for a little retreat. I will miss my family, haven't been away from them for so long!! Still have a HUGH ???? on the green theme. I've got heaps of green t-shirst but they all have house paint on them LOL!! Oh well - any ideas............

Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Privillege

It always seem to be that I get another layout done on a Saturday. As you see I've been shopping!! I was over a Lisa's loading some products and came across this gorgeous Daisy D's paper. I got some Bazzill to match and I had just got some of her fancypants chipboard shape the week before. And I couldn't resist the lovely basic grey hang 10 fibers too. Lisa, what would I do without you LOL!!

Anyway our God daughter Sophie had her Christening back in July 2002 and we were asked by Lisa & Steve to be Sophie's godparents, which we just jumped at. She is the most gorgeous sweet girl. Mind you all Lisa's kids are, but Sophie's our one!! Thank you for asking us, it is a Privillege!! Adrian went to the ceremony on my behalf because I had just given birth to Shae-Lee 2 days prior, so alas Lisa took a photo of Adrian and Sophie on the Christening Day and then with me a couple of days later.

It just a good feeling when you scrap a photo. Know I can finally enjoy them.

Kids are loosing it LOL!! Been a bad mum ignoring them, better to and give them sometime and releive Adrian!! Cya Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Boys xxooxx

I started this layout in the weekend and have been so busy with everything that I hadn't finished it. But as you can see know I have. It's a very simple layout, but I just didn't want to do to much and take away from the photo!

Recently we found out that my hubby isn't 100% well, which was devastating to us. It just makes you realize that sometimes we live hard and fast and forget about the simple things in life. A couple of months back we went down to our local beach and I was snapping photos and I caught this photo of the boys walking in front of us. Jacob just loves his daddy and Adrian just absolutely adores Jacob too!

Adrian has always had the believe that we are here to help our children grow up and try and lead them in the right direction, but we can't make decisions for them or tell them how to live their lives. Just love them and be there for them for as long as we are here to do so...... Children are so precious, and being a parent is an honor!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

To Many Hours Wasted!

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Well, I'm very excited because I have designed a banner that I've always wanted. The only was to import it was thru upload, but finally after hours of mucking around I discovered that it doesn't seem to matter how big or small I make the banner, it whether you choose small, medium or large on you import photo thru a post. If anyone knows another way of importing please can you let me know!! Thanks!!