Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A little about me

Well I thought that I would tell you a bit about me. I am 36 and a mother of 4 gorgeous kids. My oldest daugther is named Aimee (11) on the far right, then Jacob (5), Kristie (9) and little Shae (4). This photo is a little old (2004), but I still like this scrapbooking page. LOL! I have a cute husband, who I still think is yummy!! We have a landscaping business which I think is pretty successful.

I absolutely love scrapbooking, painting, designing, renovating. There is so many areas to cover but I suppose there is plenty of time for that.

I'm feeling a little nervous tonight because tomorrow I'm going to get an operation on my arm. So NO scrapbooking for a while. Not good! I might just have to convince my 2 older daughters to give their poor old mum a hand. LOL! To cut and paste etc. Or go up to my girlfriends house and watch her. Mind you that would be like being on a diet and watching someone eat a big block of chocolate right in front of you. Anyway I just wanted to add something to my blogging page while I could type with 2 hands. If you have read this, thanks for visiting. Will be back soon.
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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hi, well this is me and I've wasted a lot of time trying to work out how to use this blogging page. LOL! The things I do for you Lisa. Anyway I'm sure that I will get into the swing of this. Not that I really know what to talk about LOL!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh my gosh, I wasn't intending to do this

I was just looking at a girlfriends blogging page a waa laa, next thing I have signed up an account. As easy as that, and I don't have a clue what I am doing. Anyway cya