Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Office is still a mess!!!

Well I was supposed to be in my Office cleaning it because it is an absolute tip LOL!! And that is an understatement. Anyway this photo was taken on our christmas holiday. We went down to the beach which is just a hop skip and jump from our friends beach house and as usual the kids went straight into the sand and started to bury themselves. Aimee wasn't to impressed with this photo, but I think she looks gorgeous (and secretly, I just love the colours on this towel LOL)!! Anyway time for me to be serious about me office, so until next time......

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Managed to fit in a little more Scrapbooking

Life has been so very busy lately. The kids are all back at school, uniforms are organized, books are brought and covered, business has picked up in the Landscaping Industry after Christmas. Fantastic weather most of the time!! So many quotes to do! Life is pretty good. Been working with my girlfriend and that has been quite fun actually, loading on heaps of gorgeous products for OMG she has got just so many products!

Anyway I finally found a little time to do a challenge that was on SBD site. You had to do a layout without a person or animal in it. At Christmas time we were in Hamilton and Jacob came in and said that he liked those grumpy flowers, and he was right, they do look like grumpy old men. Anyway here it is!!

Well I hope that everyone is having a lovely relaxing weekend. Thanks for stopping by, not sure wheather anyone does these days, I haven't had as much time to blog lately!!! Anyway Thanks if you have.......