Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Rainy Weekend

I haven't managed to blog lately. Sometimes you want to blog, but you just can't think of anything to say. Anyway, I went to a crop night on Friday night, which was really nice to get out of the house and have a goss session with other woman. My girlfriend had done a layout which she had scraplifted off some very talented person, and I just feel in love with the layout and the colours. Very inspiring. I had the perfect photo of two of my babies, which I have wanted to scrap for a while. There aren't many photos of myself because like most women, I am always the one taking the photos. This photo was taken up at Hikurangi in 2003. I absolutely love the ocean, probably because when I was little, my parents had a yaght and we were forever on the water. So peaceful and tranquill. The water up north seems so crystal clear and clean, not like the beaches around auckland. Just breathtaking. My first father died when I was 8 years old and when I am around the sea, it just lets me feel close to him, because his passion was the sea, and mine too!! I changed the layout a bit and found some use for some of my old scrapbooking items that I had brought agers ago. These are just two of my four babies. My little man, at that time was freaking out about standing on the sand. No way is he like that know! & my baby is know 4 was sleeping in her car seat. So my two big girls had a photo with their old mum. LOL!! In the circle it reads

"From the moment that you become a mother, your life is changed forever. No longer do you have just yourself to look after. You are responsible for these tiny little people that you have created with love. From the moment that your babies are conceived and forever and always, you will love your babies unconditionally."

I can't really remember what it was like not to have my babies. I can't believe that my oldest daughter Aimee is nearly 12. Time flys. My youngest daugther Shae is now 4 and has started morning kindy. So I have some time to myself for the first time in I can't remember how long. (Mind you I still have the office work to do for our business!!) LOL. A bit scary and exciting to actually. And I know that I will fill in the time easily. I must admit, it is nice sometimes nice to do just nothing! Listen to music, and relax, like know. Just think and type your thoughts that are going through your mind for just a little part of your life!!

My husband went to the doctors the other day for something and found out that he had a few other little concerns that we have to look into. It just makes you realise that life is so very precious and that we are all here for such a short time realistically, and it really makes you realise that we are here, not just to work and survive, but also to try and slow down every now and then and enjoy things in life. Like a walk on the beach, your family, your children, music or anything that really makes you feel warm and nice. If you are reading this.. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, were ever you may be....
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Anonymous said...

to mummy.
I love what you said about being a mum even though being my mum is hard LOL!!!
i love you with all my heart.
Love Aimee

Anonymous said...

Turned out really neat Tracey, love your journalling, you always put alot of thought into it, well done.