Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well I Made it!

Got thru my surgery last thursday. One minute I'm joking with the doctors and nurses in theatre asking them to be gentle and bribing them with a nice muffin etc and then next thing 3.5 hrs later, I wake up, and it feels like a second. Wow!!!Ready weird feeling! And so glad my biggest fear didn't come true, and that was waking up in surgery!! Anyway the good news is that I'm on the road to recovery and back to what I love doing - creating!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,
Good to see you again! Great that the surgery went well, and about time it took place hey!
I love the photo of your children, hope you have one on the wall aswell.
Take care
Shelley - from down under

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better - hope I get to see you soon :0)