Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Kids Are Getting So Excited!!!!

So like everyone else, we are starting to get organized for Christmas!! The Kids are just so excited. They have been asking if we can put up our Christmas Tree!! OMG what a bit of a Joke! I went to get the Christmas Tree and couldn't find the legs for it, or lights or any decorations (Living in Renovations). So I had to put on my thinking cap! I found a box and then put some pavers in the bottom. Can you tell that I am Married to a Landscaper LOL!
Then it was up to the kids, they love decorating the tree!!! And I think they did a wonderful job considerating we are on budget city in this house LOL!! (yes mummy spent to much money on Scrapcamp and Scrapbooking Products). Selfish Mummy!!!!

The two older girls were so excited and asked if they could wrap up some of the little ones pressie, which is a very big help to me!!! Jacob and Shae-Lee are just so excited! Know it's my turn to wrap up the older girls present. They know most of their presents already, but they asked me if they could choose presents that they really wanted instead of me buying what I thought they would like!! A budget Christmas!! At least I know that the kids will love everything that they get and nothing will go to waste!! They don't know, but they do have a few little surprises!! Sneaky Ay!! And can you guess what Kristie is going to be in her Christmas Play!! Just fits her personality to a tee!! Hope everyone has a great night!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Santas looks very cute....tree looks good

Anonymous said...

Yeah mum that's just such a great picture of santa aka me I am just so pretty and photogenic.

I am the Queen of the world!!!!!

Tess said...

they look fab tracey...
how sweet
I haven't had a chance to put some christmas photo's up yet.
but you have given me a little push.
Love the tree.

Delys said...

Im sure they will all love their pressies to bits Tracey! Im impressed with all the pressies under that tree!

Anonymous said...

Tracey, that Santa cracks me up - too funny LOL. Glad to see that you have been inspired by the Dare Sites. Your work is gorgeous.

Have a great Çhrissy.

Steph xo

Anonymous said...

Tracey, that Santa cracks me up - too funny LOL. Glad to see that you have been inspired by the Dare Sites. Your work is gorgeous.

Have a great Çhrissy.

Steph xo